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PreK Program

Zion District 6 offers Pre-K instruction to eligible 3 and 4-year-olds, so they may have access to high-quality programs the years before they begin kindergarten.

Our programming is funded through the Illinois Preschool for All grant program and promises that three and four-year-olds can engage in the early learning experiences they need to succeed in school and in life. Preschool for All is a high-quality program that brings together qualified staff, a proven curriculum and parent involvement to help prepare children for success in school. 

Program participation is based upon need factors for priority enrollment, and is not on a first-come, first-served basis.

The program has state-aligned established weighted eligibility criteria and prioritizes children who are most at risk of academic failure to determine eligibility and prioritize enrollment. The following priority criteria on the weighted eligibility checklist include, but are not limited to:

  • Children experiencing homelessness
  • Youth in Care
  • Children with family income that is 50% below the federal poverty level
  • Children with reduced family support (single parent, incarceration, death)
  • Children whose parent or caregiver speaks a language other than English
  • Children whose screening indicated delays in development but do not have a current referral to special education
  • Children with early intervention services
  • Children with IEPs
  • Year entering kindergarten
  • Birth factors (low birth weight, premature birth)