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At Zion Elementary School District 6, we are committed to ensuring that our schools remain safe, inclusive, and welcoming places of learning for all students. We strive to ensure that every child can attend school regularly  in a secure and caring environment where all student can focus on their education.

The district is not allowed to inquires as to a student's or parent's citizenship and does not collect immigration status or request a family to produce documentation regarding immigration status or social security numbers for the purposes of enrollment.

Strict compliance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA) does not allow for the disclosure of student records to law enforcement agencies without a warrant.

Any records that could indirectly indicate a student's origin are highly protected and only accessible by authorized individuals.

Student and parent contact information is private and will only be shared when legally required, such as a subpoena or court order.

Parents are always the first point of contact for any concerns related to a child. Emergency contact information will only be shared in case of an emergency. Families are encouraged to keep contact information up to date with their child's school.